
4 Steps to Find Social Media Niche for Your Brand Success

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You might know what is social media marketing, but are you facing issues to adapt and find niche? Most of the businesses and blog writer faces problems to find their niche and pitch platform for their product and services that can help to run their business. Social media marketing is defined as promoting unique design content such as post, text, videos on communication platform to enhance people’s engagement. In the current scenario, several social media platforms have become as an opportunity for businesses and individual to promote their brands and reach niche market. It can be done by finding your social media goals that can be align with business. You must have adequate knowledge about your niche’s hobbies and preferences. Lastly, you need to create a unique content that can engage people to drive promotion.

The social media marketing can be performed on multiple platform such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Snapchat. Moreover, you can also find good job opportunity as social media marketer that considered as important part of marketing strategy in digitalization world. StudyWoot has come with top paid and free strategies for these six social media platforms that would help to determine needs and target right niche as per your content.

Why you Need?

The growth opportunity of social media marketing has increased as the investment of businesses rises from 32 Billion US dollars in 2017 to 48 Billion Dollars in 2021. Considering the fact that, social media advertisement is largely used in the United States. Social media ads are mostly used by Small and Medium businesses to compete against large organisation. It helps to grow traffic, loyalty and awareness about product and service. As per Sprout Social, 67% of consumer believes to spend on brands they follow. While, 84% of the consumer like to buy from the brand they follow.


The platform is the largest social media channel in the world with more than 2.45 Billion people using Facebook. However, the people engagement on Facebook is consistently declining from last five years. The strategy for Facebook is to create a business page as it consists benefits of having millions of followers, on other hand personal page has limit up to 5K only. You can quick insights about clicks, impression and reach of your promotional content.  Moreover, your business can start sharing stories that only available for 24 Hours. While, free strategy can be used by clicking sell option on marketplace.

The Facebook Market place provides opportunity for personal pages to sell under any categories by uploading photos, giving description, price and contact number. The business can start promoting their product by becoming a member under niche market group. For example, If I am looking to sell women clothing on market place, then I would start looking for buyer group that ready to buy genuine and quality women cloths through online platform. There are around 400 million people are associated with Facebook Group.


YouTube is the largest growing opportunity for people and business to attract people and promote product and services. As a fact, 500 hours of content is uploaded every minute on YouTube. As per Statista, 5 Billion videos watched online on every single day over the platform. The interstitial advertising are the paid short clip videos that are run on before appearing videos. As an instance, YouTube generates largest referral traffic for all platforms. You can associate your product and service that can solve problems by creating video. As a fact, half of YouTube viewers watch videos to learn something new that never tried before.

For example, if the people are finding recipe of how to make Pizza without Oven, you can deliver video content that satisfy their cooking needs. Here, you can generate traffic by offering promoting personal brand and website destination through description.


The platform is mostly belonged to millennials as 75% of the Instagram audience between the age of 18 to 24. You can start create business page for the promotion of your content. Instagram allows business page to get insight tool about reach, profile visit, and messages. You can create promotional campaign as per your target audience, location, their interest and budget. While, to communicate with people, you start posting stories or creating IG Tv videos to reach new audience. Hashtag can be considered as a useful tool to each potential buyers and gain likes over content. As a fact, around 90% of Instagram users follow at least one brand account. Moreover, it can be seen that, most of the young age college and school people are engaged with Instagram. The platform is 23x contains more customer engagement than Facebook.


Twitter is mostly under-estimated by people to use as social media strategy. The use of Twitter is mostly done for expressing views, comments and trend feelings of community by using hashtags. There are more than 500 million tweets usually sent by people every day. The platform is beneficial for addressing customer issues and gain brand value in the market. As Twitter says around 80% of inbound marketing are done through customer social service request. Additionally, the platform is beneficial to trend video content easily as 350 million hours of video are streamed every day.


The platform is not like other social media platform as it is mostly used by professional businesses and employees to bound a community. It fulfils the need of sharing quality content that are associated with businesses and societies. People use LinkedIn profile to apply for job application and share their achievement such as certificates, awards and others. The platform is useful to find individual and build leadership. The targeting advertising would help to offer values to people by direct messaging with connecting. The content can be shared that creates link with website by posting articles. The businesses can use hashtag to communicate and build networking with people to find niche market. For example, If my business focuses on attracting people to promote their art on summit. The hashtag would help to target and communicate with #art SEO to find niche audience.


Pinterest is a new concept that shares quality photos and videos for different categories. The social media platform is beneficial to promote E-books, Fashion and digital product and other services. The pin can be in trend with average life of 3 Months. As a per Statista, 79.49% of Pinterest audience are female that can encourage your business to target women’s product and services effectively. The strategy would be to create captivating content and optimise it as per SEO to target right pinners that are associated with ads. You can create content and promote using hashtags and follow other accounts to interact and engage.


The social media platform is popular for sharing snap photos and videos that are not saved in your devices. It engages people by increasing their streak score with friends. The largest demographic of users belongs to the age group of 15 to 25. The strategy of businesses can focus on sharing exciting stories, photos and videos publicly. The business can collaborate with influencers to share your business content that is innovative and valuable. The influencer marketing strategy would be useful to promote product that are associated with millennials needs.


The platform become most trending and engaging in last couple of years. TikTok has one billion monthly active users as of 2021. Considering the fact that, the age group of 4 to 15 spends around 80 minutes of average time on the platform. People found it engaging due to the scrolling effect with around 10 to 15 sec of video to watch. The business should post content that is associated with current trend to reach more viewers. You can start creating a TikTok Ad Account which would focus on promoting business content as per your niche. Additionally, the businesses can start work with influencers to promote your product and services in their videos.

How to Monitor Performance?

The Key Performance Indicator would help to evaluate success of the objective decided by organisation for content promotion. You must follow these Key KPI Metrics that would help to measure and monitor the success goals.

  • Reach: Your business profile expands its network by creating unique content to reach niche market. The KPI helps to measure impression of content viewed by social media profile. It also counts how many people follow your social media page. The reach can be enhanced by how many times business content has been shared across social media channel.
  • Engagement: Well, your creative post must be engaging and deliver value to the viewer that can be measured through how many people like, share or comment on content. The business can gain direct engagement through people commenting your post and expanding your content by sharing. The strong engagement can be gain through Quizzes, Asking Questions and Feedback from viewers on particular topic.
  • ROI: It becomes important for your business to determine budget and targeted revenue from investment. It helps to derive cost per customer that lead profit at the end. For example, if you are gaining 25 sales out of 100 leads, then the customer retention scores 25%.
  • Retention and Loyalty: The promotional campaign can be measured through reviews and ratings provided by customers. It helps to solve issues and deliver optimise product and services. Moreover, the business can enhance its customer satisfaction and analyse the people’s sentiment based on content.

Well, this was an overview of social media strategy that you can opt for every platform as per your niche. Note, it becomes important to engage viewers by creating quality content. Usually, business struggles to promote marketing campaign due to less content available on pages and website that would reduce engagement score. Hence, you must first focus on analysing needs to deliver quality content and promote on social media.

Referencing List

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